Food Volunteers
Food Volunteers Staff Members


Staff Members

Cooking Process

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Mustafa Doğan

Mustafa Doğan is the Chef at Konyalı and has 25 years of experience in the nonprofit and philanthropic sectors. He is the founder of Food Volunteers. His work is infused with lessons learned as a volunteer center executive, state service commissioner, nonprofit board member, staff member, volunteer. He is committed to bridging practice and theory in the volunteer field.

Ahmet Kaya as the Founder

Ahmet Kaya

Ahmet Kaya graduated from MSA Cullinary arts school in 2010. The first years of his career, he worked in many different cities in Turkey including Gaziantep, Antalya, Konya, İzmir. He joined Mustafa Doğan at Konyalı Restaurant in 2017 and he was amazed by the idea of doing volunteer cooking as he saw many people in need while travelling the cities.

Aslı Tereci- Co-founder

Aslı Tereci

Aslı Tereci was newly graduated from Psychology Department that she realized she wanted to help people in a different way. She was researched how she could become more effective and help more people at once. She found out Chef Mustafa and Chef Ahmet's plan during a friend gathering and since then she has been working with them as the schedule-planner and public affairs manager at Food Volunteers.

Emel Girit - one of the first volunteers

Emel Girit

Emel Girit is responsible for the financial aids and donations. She has been still working as the director accountant in a very prestigious company. She heard about Food Volunteers through her company. Her company effectively helps nonprofits with mission and fundraising to both expand their reach and attract volunteers.

Selin Bozdağ - one of the first volunteers

Selin Bozdağ

Selin Bozdağ is the volunteer coordinator of Food Volunteers Prior to working for other volunteering organizations, Selin has 15 years of volunteer management, having previously work for hunger relief organizations. Passionate about volunteering, Selin has volunteered for her school district’s levy committee, several advisory councils, countless school events, just to name a few. Rachel holds a Communications degree from Istanbul University.